The new communication technologies, better known as TIC, make working from home much easier today. Teleworking has allowed new forms of employment. Working from home for companies allows a balance between the flexibility and security of the work structure and also gives way to improve their level of competitiveness and performance. Of course, not all jobs can be done from home, as jobs that involve security.The most common jobs from home are those related to marketing, IT, and journalism, customer service, telemarketing, sales, backoffice.
One of the great benefits of working from home for companies is that the hours are much more flexible for the employee and even help them to concentrate better on a professional level. In this article, we will mention eight benefits of being able to work from home for companies.
8 benefits of working from home 1. Reduce the displacement of employees to the workplace.Eliminating the time it takes an employee to travel to the office is of great benefit to both parties and could even boost business even more because that time can be invested in online meetings and new projects.
Another positive aspect of this benefit is that it will greatly influence the employee's health and well-being at work, which will increase their productivity and reduce stress levels. Working from home means that the employee will always be fresh when starting their day. The result will be demonstrated by having a much higher workforce.
2. It opens the door to professionals from all over the world.One of the biggest benefits of working from home for companies is allowing professionals who live outside the geographical area of the organization. It is a point that can benefit certain professions, it is also an opportunity for small businesses to expand and find talented people no matter where they are.
3. Independence for employeesIt is one of the aspects that employees like the most. After all, they will not have to worry about a uniform, or a small or uncomfortable workspace because they can do everything from home. When you're in an office environment, everyone has to stick to the same approach and that can make you uncomfortable at times, but working from home for business gives you much more control of your space. Each company will surely have its rules when making videoconferences or certain requests, but mostly the employee will be able to decide what to wear and where to work.
4. Reduce company expensesNot having to pay for rent a building, allows the company or organization to reduce expenses. Nor will they have to worry about the fatigue that employees may feel when having to adapt to a small workspace.
Reducing the number of available spaces in a company is the translation of using fewer personnel and materials to be able to maintain it and have it equipped. In the same way, there will be energy savings and costs will be reduced in heating and lighting bills.
5. Companies achieve better employee retentionOne of the great concerns of small and medium-sized companies is losing employees when they are in full business development. These are situations that arise when employees must remain tied to an office for hours, without being able to share with their family or an environment other than the business environment.
Offering agility and a good entrepreneurial spirit can keep employees comfortable without thinking of looking for a busier organization for better pay. Working from home will allow employees to share with their loved ones, especially if they are parents.
6. Wages will be adjustedYes, it sounds strange to insinuate that telecommuting implies a much lower payment, but it is the reality of many employees and that is that some prefer to maintain a salary according to their profession than to go to an office and meet a specific schedule to obtain monthly or annual increases. Companies may look to reward their employees with the flexibility to work from home, before multiplying their pay numbers. This helps organizations keep their costs under control and results in significant savings.
7. Productivity increaseAll employers of any company must have confidence in the employees to be able to allow them to work from home, those who give this opportunity will benefit from greater productivity in their employees.
8. Better use of technologyIt would be impossible to work from home without technology, which is why it is the key driver. Fast internet connections, smartphones, instant messaging, new softwares, and VoIP telephony are required to make working from home for business possible and successful. Adopting the teleworking method does not imply that the office must close and "everyone goes home", not at all, it is something that involves strategy, planning, and a lot of confidence.
For a company to start this process that is currently tackling the world, can do it little by little. Start with certain employees, who are only several days a week, and try what is best for them. If your company is ready to work from home, in times of crisis it will benefit you a lot, because you will be able to stay afloat despite adversity.